
Social consequences of academic teaming in middle school: The influence of shared course taking on peer victimization


This study examined the influence of academic teaming (i.e., sharing academic classes with the same classmates) on the relationship between social preference and peer victimization among 6th-grade students in middle school. Approximately 1,000 participants were drawn from 5 middle schools that varied in their practice of academic teaming. A novel methodology for measuring academic teaming at the individual level was employed, in which students received their own teaming score based on the unique set of classmates with whom they shared academic courses in their class schedule. On the basis of both peer- and self-reports of victimization, the results of 2 path models indicated that students with low social preference in highly teamed classroom environments were more victimized than lowpreference students who experienced less teaming throughout the school day. This effect was exaggerated in higher performing classrooms. Implications for the practice of academic teaming were discussed.

Document Type





Ability grouping, Academic teaming, Middle school, Peer victimization, Social preference

Publication Date


Journal Title

Journal of Educational Psychology
