
Memory complaints inventory profiles: Differentiating neurocognitive impairment, depression, and non-credible performance


The Memory Complaints Inventory (MCI) is a symptom validity measure designed to assess exaggerated memory complaints. The aim of current study was to develop memory complaint profiles on the MCI to distinguish between various neurocognitive disorders, depression, and non-credible performance. This study utilized MCI scores (N = 244) from a neuropsychology clinic to determine the presence of, and difference between, subjective memory complaints between a depression group, non-credible group, and subgroups of cognitive impairment (Alzheimer’s Dementia, Vascular Dementia, and Mild Cognitive Impairment). Significant differences were found on MCI endorsement between cognitive impairment, depression, and non-credible groups. This pattern indicated fewer memory complaints for cognitive impairment groups when compared to depression and non-credible groups; the non-credible group had the highest MCI scores overall. ROC analyses revealed recommended clinical cutoff values with high specificity for distinguishing between the non-credible group and other groups. The findings provided further evidence for the MCI as a symptom validity measure, given its ability to differentiate between a non-credible group and clinical groups. Replication of the study’s findings would result in reliable genuine subjective memory complaint profiles to provide additional diagnostic and prognostic specificity in neuropsychological practice.



Document Type





Dementia, memory complaints inventory, non-credible performance, validity

Publication Date


Journal Title

Applied Neuropsychology:Adult
