Statistical Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of Validation Indices for Clustering Optimization


Clustering is a relevant exploratory tool for a broad range of machine learning applications as it aids identification of meaningful subgroups. For a given clustering algorithm, multiple partitions can be obtained on the same data set by varying algorithmic parameters. Internal validation indices provide a means to objectively evaluate how well groupings obtained from a clustering configuration partitions the data, since there is no prior labeled data. This work presents a rigorous statistical evaluation framework that analyzes performance of internal validation indices based on correlation with external indices. A synthetic data generator that captures a wide range of complexity is proposed. Evaluation is conducted on a varied set of synthetic data types and real data sets to investigate performance of the indices.


Engineering Program

Document Type

Conference Proceeding



clustering, statistical analysis, validation indices

Publication Date


Journal Title

2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2020
