
This report describes the second year of a 3-year project. The project objectives are to 1) augment existing populations and to establish new populations of mussel species of concern, 2) use molecular markers to permit genetic identification of the parentage and cohort of recovered juvenile mussels, and 3) test the susceptibility of juvenile mussels to predation by benthic invertebrates and to water quality factors such as low oxygen. The work is a cooperative effort among several agencies, including the Missouri Department of Conservation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Southwest Missouri State University. In 2002, this cooperative effort resulted in production and release of 208,550 juveniles of 5 mussel species, including 7,450 scaleshell (Leptodea leptodon), 4,600 snuffbox, (Epioblasma triquetra), 106,560 Neosho mucket, (Lampsilis rafinesqueana), 39,940 black sandshell (Ligumia recta) and 50,000 mucket, (Actinonaias ligamentina). We recaptured propagated mussels for the first time, demonstrating the survival of propagated juveniles in the field. We developed new equipment and methods for monitoring and quantifying the transformation of glochidia on hosts, and performed quantitative tests on each of the species we propagated, to determine transformation success and timing. Lost Valley Hatchery carried out propagation of two species, and added facilities that will permit an expanded role in mussel propagation next year. We completed studies of reproductive timing in Neosho muckets, flatworm predation on juvenile mussels, and continued ongoing studies of the effects of low oxygen on juveniles. We disseminated information on mussel propagation through publications, Internet websites, and presentations at meetings, including a 2-day workshop that we organized at the National Conservation Training Center, under the auspices of the Freshwater Mollusc Conservation Society



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Prepared for the Missouri Department of Conservation and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

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