Date of Graduation

Summer 2012


Master of Science in Biology



Committee Chair

Brian Greene


At Mingo National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Missouri, extensive water control mechanisms have resulted in an ecosystem with an altered hydrologic cycle. In order to determine whether these wetlands provide adequate resources for amphibians, I set traps on wetlands during 2011 and 2012. I also collected data on the diversity and abundance of reptiles, fish, and invertebrates at each site. I then generated models that would estimate site occupancy and detection rates for three common salamander species. For both Siren and Notophthalmus, occupancy and detection rates were higher at artificial wetlands than at more ephemeral woodland pools. Best fit occupancy models for these two species incorporated invertebrate abundance, indicating that these salamanders may benefit from the high productivity in moist soil units. Ambystoma talpoideum occupancy and detection was influenced primarily by the abundance of fish in wetlands. These results may have important implications for conservation and wetland management for amphibian species.


amphibian, occupancy, detection, wetland, salamander

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