Date of Graduation
Fall 2015
Master of Arts in Writing
Committee Chair
Margaret E. Weaver
This thesis explores the effect that being published in an online journal has on students' attitudes about writing and their willingness to revise. The impetus for the study was a combination of frustration at seeing the students in the Writing Center devaluing their own work, as well as my own experiences within the academy at large. The problem was that these students were neither seen as "good writers" within an academic setting, nor believed themselves to be such. The methods employed were the creation of a WordPress webpage, with a URL redirect ("") which served as a forum in which to display select student writing collaborated on within the Writing Center. The sample size was a population of 11 students chosen to be featured in the journal. An analysis of their texts reveals that students responded positively, became more confident writers, and embraced writing as a process. If students are given an opportunity to feel like "real writers" early in their academic career, they will feel an open invitation to the "academic literacy club."
writing center, transitional spaces, subjectivities, writing process, microagressions, academic literacy club, affectivity, peer tutoring
Subject Categories
Creative Writing
© Lindsey L. Novak
Recommended Citation
Novak, Lindsey L., "An Affect Theory of Composition" (2015). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 3012.