A Production Notebook On Waiting For Godot
Date of Graduation
Spring 1975
Master of Arts
Theatre and Dance
Committee Chair
Howard Orms
In February of 1975 a production of Waiting for Godot was performed six nights in repertory in the three-quarter round Craig Hall Balcony Theatre on the campus of Southwest Missouri State University. The prompt book, comprising the first one hundred and twelve pages of this thesis, diagrams the blocking, notes much of the business and bits used, and sets down the rhythms, intonations, and intensities, the technical effects, and other matter related to the production. There is a brief discussion of certain aspects of the script. It is neither a well balanced nor an indepth study; to be perfectly objective and comprehensive about Waiting for Godot one should say either a great deal or absolutely nothing. There is no in-between area when dealing with a theme which encompasses so much. The notes and observations represent only a short, subjective review of a few of the points which helped guide toward a workable concept for the production. (For a close textual analysis of the play the reader should refer to the handwritten notations in the prompt book.) Three aspects of the script are examined: first, the externals; second, the characters; and third, the theme.
Subject Categories
Theatre and Performance Studies
© Margaret Joan Libertus
Recommended Citation
Libertus, Margaret Joan, "A Production Notebook On Waiting For Godot" (1975). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 1011.
Open Access