About BearWorks
BearWorks is a record of publication, research and scholarship at Missouri State University. As the Institutional Repository (IR) for MSU, BearWorks collects and preserves access to the scholarly work of the University’s faculty, students and staff.
Having one location to browse or search scholarly work at MSU allows perspective students, funders and employees to easily see all of the work that is being done at the University.>
Curated by the Missouri State University Libraries, BearWorks is funded by the Office of the Provost, the Graduate College, and MSU Libraries.
About Institutional Repositories
Institutional repositories are an archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating the intellectual output of an organization, particularly research institutions. IRs can include not only articles and reports but also datasets, multimedia and organizational documents.
To learn more about Institutional Repositories, visit the Digital Commons IR research page.