Food Habits and Biology of Stonerollers (Campostoma) in Southwest Missouri

Date of Graduation

Summer 1983


Master of Science in Biology



Committee Chair

Charles Taber


The food habits, population ratio, and taxonomic separation of two sympatric species of stoneroller minnows, Campostoma oligolepis and C. anomalum pullum, were investigated in Southwest Missouri. The only food habit difference between the species was the larger amount (x=5%) of inorganic matter ingested by C. a. pullum. This indicated a microhabitat separation with C. a. pullum feeding in slower sections of the riffle habitat. Diet also included (by volume): diatoms, 11-45%; green-blue green algae, 0-17%; and detritus, 41-70%. Young-of-year stonerollers were found to have a consumption rate of 0.0144 ml/g body wt. /hour during the day with maximum intestinal volume occurring at dusk. Daily ration, measured in September, was 26.7% of body wt. and was completely digested overnight. Population ratio of C. oligolepis to C. a. pullum was 1:5:1 for James River and 1.2:1 for Pomme de Terre River. Species were distinguished on the basis of the sum of lateral line and circumferential scales with a break point of 90 and less for C. oligolepis, 91 and more for C.a. pullum.

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© James F Fowler


