Direct Instruction Spelling: A Literacy Intervention For a Child Who Uses Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Date of Graduation

Spring 2006


Master of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders


Communication Sciences and Disorders

Committee Chair

Lisa Wood


This study provided tailored literacy instruction to one participant who uses an augmentative communication device for his primary means of communication and participation. The participant's literacy skills were assessed using adapted formal tests and informal measures. Based on assessment results, phonological awareness of short vowels was selected as the primary target for intervention. Seventeen intervention sessions were completed, which included direct instruction and generalization activities. While the participant demonstrated gains on data collected during intervention, the increases on formal pre- and post-tests were modest and standard error of measure rendered interpretation of these scores problematic. However, the participant's scores did increase on targets (discriminating sounds and segmenting real and nonsense words) during intervention sessions. This will be discussed more fully in the Results and Discussion sections of this paper. Finally, school personnel completed surveys and a focus group was held to gather feedback on the program.


augmentative and alternative communication, literacy, adirect instruction, phonological awareness, spelling

Subject Categories

Communication Sciences and Disorders


© Britanny J. Drury


