Date of Graduation
Summer 1973
Master of Arts
Committee Chair
Donal Stanton
It is not the author's purpose to develop a formalized methodology for criticism which accounts for the ghostwriter. The purpose of this study is to attempt to answer the following questions posed by ghostwriting: (1) What are the origins of logography; who are the public figures who have relied on the form; and what is the extent of logography in contemporary America? (2) What are the rhetorical-critical implications of logography? (3) What are the possible solutions to rhetorical-critical problems posed by logography; and what suggestions could be made for further research? Since the few articles published concerning the ghost appeared over a decade ago, a primary purpose in the study has been to reawaken interest in an important and almost entirely neglected area of speech. Logography, or ghostwriting, deserves serious study for at least three reasons. First, research has disclosed that ghostwriting is a recurring and pervasive aspect of contemporary public address. Secondly, the concept has received relatively little attention from rhetorical critics. And, finally, the phenomenon of ghostwriting poses grave questions concerning the validity of traditional rhetorical criticism.
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© Isaac Edward Catt
Recommended Citation
Catt, Isaac Edward, "Logography: An Appraisal of Rhetorical-Critical Implications" (1973). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 2493.