An Exploration Of The Semiotic Potential Of Choreography Within A Straight Play Utilized In A Production Of Jim Leonard, Jr's And They Dance Real Slow In Jackson
Date of Graduation
Fall 2000
Master of Arts in Theatre
Theatre and Dance
Committee Chair
Robert Bradley
The purpose of this study has been to explore the semiotic potential of choreography in a straight play utilized in a production of Jim Leonard, Jr's, And They Dance Real Slow In Jackson. The study employed elements of the semiotic analysis presented by Jon Whitmore in Directing Postmodern Theatre: Shaping Signification in Performance to emphasize visual and aural elements of production. Included in the study is an overview of the communicative properties of movement. This was a creative thesis project with the method of investigation being exploratory. The thesis is divided into siz chapters with the final chapter providing recommendations for further studies.
Subject Categories
Theatre and Performance Studies
© Lisa Renee Young
Recommended Citation
Young, Lisa Renee, "An Exploration Of The Semiotic Potential Of Choreography Within A Straight Play Utilized In A Production Of Jim Leonard, Jr's And They Dance Real Slow In Jackson" (2000). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 2614.