Date of Graduation

Spring 2018


Master of Arts in History



Committee Chair

Angela Hornsby-Gutting


Research for this thesis was undertaken after first researching the East St. Louis Race Riot and seeing that there was an insufficient amount of analysis that had been done on black media coverage in US history overall as well as with the riot specifically. Three significant trends of black media were found my during research. East St. Louis Race Riots black media coverage during and after the events varied at the local, regional, and national levels. My research showed that three media outlets varied. The local media provided information that guided victims and volunteers as to where to go for food, shelter, and legal services. The regional level varied on coverage and focus based upon where the media source was located. The national news coverage conveyed a message that called for justice and change to eliminate the possibility of another race riot from occurring.


east st.louis race riot, black media, black newspapers, race relations

Subject Categories

African American Studies | Other American Studies | Social History | United States History


© Angela Rene Womack

Open Access
