A Study of Gifted Programs in the State of Missouri and the Philosophies of Their Faculties

Date of Graduation

Summer 1981


Master of Science in Education in Literacy


Reading, Foundations, and Technology

Committee Chair

James Layton


The purpose of this study was to poll the faculties of Missouri's gifted programs to gather data concerning the programs and the philosophies of those who conduct them. A survey instrument mainly using a Likert scale was developed and mailed to an administrator, a classroom teacher, and a gifted resource room teacher from each of the sixty-nine districts receiving state aid for their gifted programs. The information from the surveys was tabulated by computer and yielded frequency data in terms of means, standard deviations, and cumulative percentages. The conclusions drawn were that there is no one best program for all gifted children. Each district must plan its program according to its needs. A committee formed to develop a program philosophy is an initial step. In addition, strong in-service programs to train teachers of the gifted, and university degree programs in gifted education are urgently needed in Missouri. Attention should be paid to the current research being done in the field.

Subject Categories

Other Education


© Judith Holden Dixon


