A History of the Coterie Theatre and Its Contribution to Theatre For Young People

Date of Graduation

Summer 2004


Master of Arts in Theatre


Theatre and Dance

Committee Chair

Sharon Ellis


Theatre for young people in the United States has played a valuable role in entertaining and educatng children. The Coterie Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri, has achieved success along with national and international recognition by merging art, business and community partnerships. Many of the principal ideas have developed with new management, but numerous concepts have remained the same throughout the years. What makes this theatre valid is its inception of new works that create a laboratory of exploration for the actors, directors, and audience. Beginning with the theatre's activities in 1979, this study of its history mainly focuses on the last twelve years from 1990-mid 2002. The development, expansion, and exploration of how the Coterie evolved and its ongoing mission as a multigenerational theatre provides a case study to identify criteria to help develop a successful children's theatre.


children, young adult, theatre, drama, multigenerational

Subject Categories

Theatre and Performance Studies


© Patricia Sentlinger


