Date of Graduation
Spring 2008
Master of Science in Defense and Strategic Studies
Defense and Strategic Studies
Committee Chair
Bradley Thayer
Israel's strategic doctrine is based on maintaining a monopoly of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Iran is currently threatening Israel's nuclear monopoly by developing nuclear weapons. Therefore, Iranian nuclear weapons development demands an Israeli response. Israel can rely on preventive options, such as diplomatic endeavors or military strikes aimed at neutralizing Iran’s motivations and capabilities to produce nuclear weapons. However, both preventive options are unlikely to produce lasting change. Therefore, Israel will soon be forced to reevaluate its strategic doctrine to confront a nuclear-armed Iran. This should involve the creation of a renewed deterrent posture that will end nuclear ambiguity, establish a formal nuclear doctrine, and ensure the continuity of conventional superiority to ensure credibility.
Israel, Iran, air strike, deterrence, nuclear
Subject Categories
Defense and Security Studies
© Douglas Allen Chaney
Recommended Citation
Chaney, Douglas Allen, "Israeli Options for Confronting a Nuclear-Armed Iran" (2008). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 2898.
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