The Lesbian partner abuse scale
The Lesbian Partner Abuse Scale-Revised (LE-PAS-R) was designed and construct validated to assess power imbalance between lesbian couples resulting in partner abuse. Method: The 135-item Lesbian Partner Abuse Scale (LE-PAS) was content validated. Implementing a nationwide survey using convenience sampling, an assessment packet containing the LE-PAS, two established scales (the Index of Self-Esteem and the General Contentment Scale), and demographic information was completed by 45 abused and 33 nonabused lesbians. Results: A series of factor analyses resulted in six factors (communication and social skills, substance abuse, intergenerational transmission of violence, fakes illness, internalized homophobia, and status differentials) accounting for 77.3% of all item variance. The 25-item LE-PAS-R shows evidence of strong reliability (r = .94), credible concurrent validity (p < .01), and the ability to differentiate between abused and nonabused lesbians (p < .01). Conclusions: Further validation of the LE-PAS-R will provide evidence of its ability to assist clinicians in identifying lesbian relationships in which power imbalance may result in partner abuse.
School of Social Work
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McClennen, Joan C., Anne B. Summers, and James G. Daley. "The lesbian partner abuse scale." Research on Social Work Practice 12, no. 2 (2002): 277-292.
Journal Title
Research on Social Work Practice