On the Investigation of Primed and Chronic Autonomous and Heteronomous Motivational Orientations
Four studies examined primed and chronic autonomous and heteronomous motivations. Study 1 showed that autonomy and heteronomy can be primed and influence perceptions and behavior in a way consistent with consciously regulated motives. In Study 2, a measure of chronic motivation was developed and its construct validity and reliability were assessed. In Study 3, the chronicity measure predicted behavior while consciously regulated motives predicted intention but not behavior. Results of Study 4 replicated results of the priming manipulation in Study 1. However, this effect was moderated by level of motivational chronicity. The priming effect was found to be stronger for non-chronics than for chronics. Overall, the findings suggest that autonomous and heteronomous motivations can be regulated automatically as well as consciously.
Document Type
automaticity, priming, autonomous motivation, self-determination theory
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Levesque, Chantal, and Luc G. Pelletier. "On the investigation of primed and chronic autonomous and heteronomous motivational orientations." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 29, no. 12 (2003): 1570-1584.
Journal Title
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin