Helping When They Are Listening: A Midterm Study Skills Intervention for Introductory Psychology
This study examined the effectiveness of a study skills training session offered at midterm to students enrolled in a large section of Introductory Psychology. In the training session, students watched a series of five, short videos on effective learning and answered related clicker questions that encouraged them to reflect their own study strategies and beliefs about learning. Students across all levels of course performance rated the training as helpful and effective. Although there were no differences in subsequent study time and metacognitive skills between students who attended the training and those who did not, students who attended the training gained insight into some of the limitations of their own past study strategies. Additionally, although students who chose to attend the training had lower scores on exams taken prior to training, the difference between those groups disappeared for exams that followed training. Embedding study skills training into an existing course at a point in the semester when students are highly motivated to change and can meaningfully reflect on their own past course performance appears to be a useful pedagogical strategy for introductory-level students.
Document Type
academic performance, introductory psychology, Metacognition, study skills
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Recommended Citation
Cathey, Christie L., Michelle E. Visio, Brooke L. Whisenhunt, Danae L. Hudson, and Carol F. Shoptaugh. "Helping when they are listening: A midterm study skills intervention for introductory psychology." Psychology Learning & Teaching 15, no. 3 (2016): 250-267.
Journal Title
Psychology Learning and Teaching