Identification of mosquito larval habitats in high resolution satellite data
Mosquito-born infectious diseases are a serious public health concern, not only for the less developed countries, but also for developed countries like the U.S. Larviciding is an effective method for vector control and adverse effects to non-target species are minimized when mosquito larval habitats are properly surveyed and treated. Remote sensing has proven to be a useful technique for large-area ground cover mapping, and hence, is an ideal tool for identifying potential larval habitats. Locating small larval habitats, however, requires data with very high spatial resolution. Textural and contextual characteristics become increasingly evident at higher spatial resolution. Per-pixel classification often leads to suboptimal results. In this study, we use pan-sharpened Ikonos data, with a spatial resolution approaching 1 meter, to classify potential mosquito larval habitats for a test site in South Korea. The test site is in a predominantly agricultural region. When spatial characteristics were used in conjunction with spectral data, reasonably good classification accuracy was obtained for the test site. In particular, irrigation and drainage ditches are important larval habitats but their footprints are too small to be detected with the original spectral data at 4-meter resolution. We show that the ditches are detectable using automated classification on pan-sharpened data.
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Contextual, Habitat, Ikonos, Malaria, Mosquito, Pan-sharpening, Texture
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Kiang, Richard K., Stephanie M. Hulina, Penny M. Masuoka, and David M. Claborn. "Identification of mosquito larval habitats in high resolution satellite data." In Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery IX, vol. 5093, pp. 353-361. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2003.
Journal Title
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering