
They Said: An Analysis of State Level Sexual and Gender Harassment Data


Occurrences of sexual harassment are usually studied at the job site level. Yet there is evidence to indicate that sexual harassment occurs in a number of disparate job settings and affects all types of victims. In this research we document the incidence and attributes of sexual harassment in a state level population using four years of a specially devised victimization survey. In this paper we present the findings regarding the victims, offenders, and the nature and prevalence of such harassment in a rural mountain state. We found that for all four years, almost 20% of working people in Idaho experienced some form of sexual or gender harassment each year. Moreover, the rate of that harassment remained somewhat constant throughout the study periods. We also found that young, unmarried women were the most likely victims of sexual or gender harassment in this statewide study.

Document Type





sexual harassment, state level population, state level crime victimization survey, Equal Opportunity Commission, profile of harasser

Publication Date


Journal Title

Criminal Justice Studies
