Forums for Controversy: Understanding Clergy-Led Deliberation among the Faithful
Clergy have become known as an important class of political elites, and, perhaps not surprisingly, religious communities have been found to be critical incubators of political deliberation.1 The interaction between clergy and their followers has also been shown to significantly affect how clergy approach their job and, more importantly, their actions in regard to church policy. Arguably, the most important actions clergy undertake concern their relationship with parishioners and, in particular, the types of instruction to which they expose the faithful. Hence, we use this piece to investigate the decision clergy make to sponsor deliberative forums in their parishes.
Political Science
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Recommended Citation
Calfano, Brian Robert, and Jacob R. Neiheisel. "Forums for controversy: Understanding clergy-led deliberation among the faithful." Journal of Church and State 51, no. 4 (2009): 569-586.
Journal Title
Journal of Church and State