Learning from truth: Youth Participation in Field Marketing Techniques to Counter Tobacco Advertising
In 2000, the American Legacy Foundation (Legacy) launched truthsm, a national, multi-medium tobacco control social marketing campaign targeting youth age 12-17. This paper provides a brief description of one aspect of that campaign, the truthsm tour, and compares and contrasts the truthsm tour with commercial field marketing approaches used by the tobacco industry. The methods used for the tour's process evaluation are also described, and two important lessons learned about using field marketing techniques and using youth to implement field marketing techniques in social marketing campaigns are discussed. Social marketing campaigns that target youth may want to launch field marketing activities. The truthsm tour experience can inform the development of those efforts.
Sociology and Anthropology
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Recommended Citation
Eisenberg, Merrill, Chris Ringwalt, David Driscoll, Manuel Vallee, and Gregory Gullette. "Learning from truthsm: Youth participation in field marketing techniques to counter tobacco advertising." Journal of health communication 9, no. 3 (2004): 223-231.
Journal Title
Journal of health communication