In situ XANES study of Co 2+ ion adsorption on Fe 3O 4 nanoparticles in supercritical aqueous fluids


In situ x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements were made on Fe 3O 4 nanoparticles in supercritical aqueous fluids to 500°C in order to study their reactivity with Co 2+ aqua ions and to investigate the structural properties of the reacted nanoparticles. The analyses of the x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) of XAS indicate that reactivity of Fe 3O 4 nanoparticles with Co 2+ ions is minimal to 200°C but becomes significant in the 250-500°C temperature range. XANES and angular momentum projected density of states (l-DOS) calculations were carried out using the FEFF8.2 code and analyses were made using multi-peak fitting to determine the origin of the features exhibited in the spectra.


Physics, Astronomy, and Materials Science

Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Publication Date


Journal Title

Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings
