Influence of variety, location, growing year, and storage on the total phosphorus, phytate-phosphorus, and phytate-phosphorus to total phosphorus ratio in rice


The influence of variety, location, growing year, and storage on the total phosphorus (total P), phytate-P, and phytate-P to total P ratio in Korean rice varieties was investigated. Experiment 1 investigated the influence of 9 rice varieties, 4 locations, and 2 growing years. In experiment 2, the effect of storage for 1, 6, and 12 months was examined. Results showed that locations, varieties, and their interactions had a significant effect on the total P and phytate-P contents in rice, whereas growing year did not. Location had a higher effect than variety. Rice grown at locations with higher precipitation levels and higher temperatures obtained lower total P, phytate-P, and phytate-P to total P ratio. Effect of variety and location showed the possibility of reducing phytate-P in rice. Storage of rice for up to 12 months did not affect the total P and phytate-P concentrations of rice.

Document Type




Growing year, Location, Phytate, Rice, Storage, Total phosphorus, Variety

Publication Date


Journal Title

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
