The distribution, status, and level of exploitation of the freshwater turtle Dermatemys mawei in belize, central


Dermatemys mawei is common to abundant in many areas of northern and central Belize and is present in two river systems of extreme southeastern Belize. It mainly exists in larger, deeper, lowland rivers and large freshwater lagoons. It has seriously declined in some areas near human population centres and in other accessible, easily collected habitats. It is mainly marketed in Belize City, Belize District, in low to moderate numbers that peak during the spring reproductive season. The main source of animals is the Belize River. Some animals from the Rio Grande River are marketed in spring in Punta Gorda, Toledo Dist. While the status of Dermatemys is relatively good in Belize, compared to Mexico, it is not currently protected by law, and is vulnerable to increasing exploitation from an increasing human population. Other commonly marketed freshwater turtle species in Belize, Staurotypus triporcatus and Pseudemys scripta venusta, are common to abundant, and widely distributed throughout the country. © 1986.



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Journal Title

Biological Conservation
