Ba2TeO: A new layered oxytelluride
Single crystals of the new semiconducting oxytelluride phase, Ba2TeO, were synthesized from barium oxide powder and elemental tellurium in a molten barium metal flux. Ba2TeO crystallizes in tetragonal symmetry with space group P4/nmm (#129), a=5.0337(1) Å, c=9.9437(4) Å, Z=2. The crystals were characterized by single crystal x-ray diffraction, heat capacity and optical measurements. The optical measurements along with electronic band structure calculations indicate semiconductor behavior with a band gap of 2.93 eV. Resistivity measurements show that Ba2TeO is highly insulating.
Document Type
oxytelluride, single crystal growth, single crystal x-ray diffraction, layered structure, semiconductor
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Recommended Citation
Besara, T., D. Ramirez, J. Sun, J. B. Whalen, T. D. Tokumoto, S. A. McGill, D. J. Singh, and T. Siegrist. "Ba2TeO: A new layered oxytelluride." Journal of Solid State Chemistry 222 (2015): 60-65.
Journal Title
Journal of Solid State Chemistry