
CASE STUDY: Use of Modified Phosphate-Buffered Saline as a Component of Semen Extenders Allows the Use of Transported Semen from Two Stallions


Conception rates for mares bred with transported-cooled and fresh stallion semen were collected over a 4-yr period (1998-2002) for two stallions. Both stallions stood at a commercial breeding farm. Semen from both stallions was used immediately after collection on the farm and after 24 to 48 h of cold storage when transported to locations in the U.S. and Canada. Semen for insemination of mares located on the farm was extended with a commercially available skim milk glucose extender (SKMG). Spermatozoal motility following cold storage for spermatozoa diluted in SKMG extender was unacceptable. Thus, semen from both stallions was centrifuged, and spermatozoa were resuspended in SKMG supplemented with modified PBS. In a previous study, the percentage of motile spermatozoa increased following centrifugation and reconstitution of the sperm pellet in SKMG-PBS as compared with semen dilution in SKMG (Stallion A: 15% vs 47%; Stallion B: 18% vs 43%). In the current study, 22 of 25 (88%) and 3 of 4 (75%) mares conceived with transported-cooled semen from Stallions A and B, respectively. Conception rates for mares inseminated with transported semen did not differ (P>0.05) from those inseminated on the farm with fresh semen. These data illustrate that stallion owners can modify standard cooled semen processing procedures and semen extender composition to improve post-storage spermatozoa motility and to obtain acceptable fertility.


Animal Science

Document Type





stallion, semen, conception rates

Publication Date


Journal Title

The Professional Animal Scientist
