
Rest completion in seven blackberry (rubus sp.) cultivars


Tissue samples of 'Apachef' 'Arapahof' 'Chickasawf' 'Illini Hardyf' 'Kiowaf' eNavahof and eShawneef were obtained from a field planting located in Mountain Grove, Missouri to compare the time of rest completion and percentage of bud break among these blackberry cultivars. Blackberry tissue was collected at monthly intervals from December 2000 to March 2001. Twelve, eight-node sections of wood were removed from the middle portion of lateral canes located 60 cm from the soil surface and placed under mist in a greenhouse at .21oC. In December, the only cultivar that had completed rest was 'Kiowaf'. Thirteen percent of the buds on ''Kiowaf' cuttings grew within 29 days of exposure to warm temperatures. In January, all cultivars grew within an average of 18 to 24 days, except eIllini Hardy'f. By February, average days to bud break for 'Kiowaf' 'Arapahof' 'Shawneef' Chickasawf, 'Navahof' 'Apachef and 'Illini Hardyf cuttings under mist were 5.3, 7.9, 8.2, 8.9, 9.2, 10.7, and 12.4, respectively. Percent bud break of 'Apachef' (33%) and 'Illini Hardyf' (19%) cuttings was low in February as compared to that of other cultivars (>55%).


Environmental Plant Science and Natural Resources

Document Type

Conference Proceeding




Bud-break, Chilling, Cold-requirement, Floral buds, Growth, Temperature

Publication Date


Journal Title

Acta Horticulturae
