Water tables in paired artificially drained and undrained soil catenas in Iowa
This study was initiated to study water table fluctuations and the influence of artificial drainage on soil morphology. Water table depth and duration for one artificially drained and one undrained soil sequence on paired landscapes were measured. Landscapes were composed of six soil series: Clarion (Typic Hapludolls); Nicollet (Aquic Hapludolls); Webster (Typic Haplaquolls); Canisteo (Typic Haplaquolls); Harps (Typic Calciaquolls); and Okoboji (Cumulic Haplaquolls). Morphological properties of paired soil series were compared and related to water table fluctuaitons. It is suggested that all soils with water table depths modified by artificial drainage have a separate soil interpretation record and be recognized as a drained phase. This proposed change would help reduce confusion in the use of data recorded on the soil interpretation record. -from Authors
Environmental Plant Science and Natural Resources
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Recommended Citation
James, H.R. and Fenton, T.E., 1993. Water tables in paired artificially drained and undrained soil catenas in Iowa. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 57(3), pp.774-781.
Journal Title
Soil Science Society of America Journal