
Strategies to Leverage Contractor Experience


The construction manager/general contractor project delivery method is a relatively new approach for contracting public infrastructure projects in America. While added later to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Special Experimental Project No. 14 (SEP-14) program to investigate innovative contracting methods, state departments of transportation are only now beginning to more widely adopt this methodology. This paper analyzes a case study project to relocate Highway 53 in Saint Louis County, Minnesota - a Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) project that is one of only a handful of federally funded projects that have been completed under this project delivery method. Based on first-hand experience, key project participant interviews, and construction document analysis, the authors detail the procedures and processes used to leverage contractor experience and knowledge in order to minimize project risks and utilize project funding more efficiently. The goal of this paper is to provide industry practitioners with a comprehensive set of tools and practices that can be utilized on future projects looking to implement this project delivery method.


Technology and Construction Management

Document Type





Alternative project delivery methods, Construction manager/General contractor, Risk management

Publication Date


Journal Title

Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction
