White vs. Blue: Does the collar color affect job attitudes and behaviors?
The purpose of the present study was to fill a void in the literature by examining a variety of attitudinal and behavioral issues in a sample of white and blue-collar workers. An older body of literature exists which examined the relationship between job size and satisfaction (see review by Hulin & Blood, 1968). However, very few recent studies have focused on the attitudinal and behavioral differences between white and blue-collar workers. Therefore, the purpose of the current research study was to investigate these differences. Specifically, we used the Chow test to compare the equality of a series of regression equations which had evaluated the statistical relationships between variables such as dispositional affectivity, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intentions, and absenteeism, and tardiness. We examined these models using a sample of 594 employees of a Midwestern manufacturing company. We conclude with a discussion of the results and their implications for management research and practice.
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Rozell, Elizabeth J., Charles E. Pettijohn, and R. Stephen Parker. "White vs. blue: does the collar color affect job attitudes and behaviors?." Electronic Business 13, no. 4 (2014).
Journal Title
Academy of Strategic Management Journal