Teaching a Blended Supply Chain Management Course to Marketing Majors
In this paper the authors report their research findings from primary research on the usage of online content in both an undergraduate and graduate level blended Supply Chain Management course utilizing a video-textbook. Both a Pre and Post-Test were administered to the students at the beginning and end of the semes-ter respectively to gauge students ' opinions about the online portion of the blended course as well as their preference between a traditional lecture format, an online class, and a blended class. Results of the survey show that the students ' opinions about the online material and preference for a blended class improved over the course of the semester. Furthermore, some significant difference between Graduate and Undergraduate students and Male and Female students were found.
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Recommended Citation
Johnston, Ahren, and John Kent. "Teaching a Blended Supply Chain Management Course to Marketing Majors." Atlantic Marketing Journal 3, no. 2 (2014): 6.
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Atlantic Marketing Journal