Research publication trends and topics in the Journal of Industrial Technology
This paper investigates publication trends and topics covered in the National Association of Industrial Technology's (NAIT) Journal of Industrial Technology (JIT) over the past decade. Starting with the online availability of JIT in 1998, this paper examines all articles published in Volumes 15, Number 1 through Volume 24, Number 1 and analyzes both the bibliographic data and the content of those articles. Findings reveal several areas for concern including: a lack of detail within JIT's mission/purpose, decreases in the number of articles published each year, a high percentage of one-time authors (greater than 70 percent), and a high percentage of low contributing institutions (greater than 60 percent).
Technology and Construction Management
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Recommended Citation
Gebken, Richard, Shawn Strong, and Steven McCrary. "Research Publication Trends and Topics in the Journal of Industrial Technology." Journal of Industrial Technology 25, no. 1 (2009).
Journal Title
Journal of Industrial Technology