The impact of online learning tools on student success in college of business core finance classes
The authors examine the impact of a new online learning system on student performance in a core finance course required of all business majors. They find that the online learning system significantly reduces the number of students that withdraw from the course prior to course completion. Additionally, the benefits of a lower withdrawal rate transcend all modalities of course delivery and are greatest for students with declared majors outside of finance. Finally, though use of the online learning system reduces the withdrawal rate of students, it does not appear to result in significant grade inflation among those students completing the course.
Finance and General Business
Document Type
Finance, online, withdrawal rates
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Jones, Jeffrey S., Kent P. Ragan, H. Douglass Witte, and Y. Jenny Zhang. "The impact of online learning tools on student success in college of business core finance classes." Journal of Education for Business (2021): 1-8.
Journal Title
Journal of Education for Business