Des pratiques internationales en counselling scolaire centré sur la personne [International Practices in Person-Centered School Counseling]
Person-centered counseling is practiced in a certain number of schools in many countries. This article, written in 2008, reviews current reports of such practices in the UK and Japan. It includes descriptions of some practices, empirical research on the effectiveness of such approaches as well as exploratory case studies. In conclusion, he mentions some consequences for school counselors from the state of Missouri, United States.
Counseling, Leadership, and Special Education
Document Type
counseling, guidance, education, secondary school, specific services
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Cornelius-White, Jeffrey HD, Teresa K. Coleman, Michael Behr, and Françoise Ducroux-Biass. "Des pratiques internationales en counselling scolaire centré sur la personne." Approche Centree sur la Personne. Pratique et recherche 1 (2012): 48-54.
Journal Title
Approche Centree Personne: Pratique et Recherche