Valuing diversity in self, others, & society through cultural artifact "Me Boxes" in social studies methods courses
Social studies encompasses knowledge, skills, and dispositions emanating from twelve academic disciplines and organized into ten thematic strands fulfilling various goals. Due to their limited background, understanding, and application, elementary school pre-service teachers benefit from opportunities to explore social studies content, pedagogy, and context authentically extending personal practical knowledge and valuing multicultural experiences. Cultural Artifact "Me Boxes" empower pre-service teachers to connect social studies with self, others, and society through the exchange of personal narratives.
Reading, Foundations, and Technology
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Gallavan, Nancy P., and LeAnn G. Putney. "Valuing Diversity in Self, Others, and Society through Cultural Artifact" Me Boxes" in Social Studies Methods Courses." Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education 6, no. 1 (2004): 3.
Journal Title
Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education