Reading and Rhythm: Binding Language Arts and Music in an Academic Notebook
The use of an academic notebook in an elementary music classroom is an effective way of integrating language arts into music instruction while helping students to reflect and think critically about music. Academic notebooks are student-created tools that help organize and track learning while students gain conceptual knowledge. The notebooks are designed to foster discussion, encourage reading and writing strategy development, and provide application activities to further strengthen the learning of music concepts. Combining music instruction with language arts reinforces integration of curriculum areas while providing academic support for a liberal arts program by enhancing its connection to the teaching and learning of literacy.
Reading, Foundations, and Technology
Document Type
music, education, reading, integrated curriculum, academic notebooks, literacy
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Pearman, Cathy J., and Tessa Friedman. "Reading and rhythm: Binding language arts and music in an academic notebook." General Music Today 23, no. 1 (2009): 12-16.
Journal Title
General Music Today