Developing A Multi-Purpose Trail System At Pomme De Terre Lake
Date of Graduation
Fall 1999
Master of Natural and Applied Science in Physics
Physics, Astronomy, and Materials Science
Committee Chair
Emmett Redd
This study was to evaluate the need and opportunities for establishing a multi-purpose trail system at Pomme de Terre Lake. This trail system was named the Earth-Apple Trails. Project sponsors were identified, feasibility was demonstrated, and Federal interest was determined. The preliminary study consisted of meetings with United States Army Corps of Engineers as well as state, county, local officials, and user groups. A public meeting was conducted during the course of this study. This study confirmed the need and projected economic feasibility for the development of a multi-purpose trail system and the economic development opportunities within the study area. The estimated total annual visitation to the trail system is 235,500 persons with an estimated annual regional economic benefit of $471,000. The environmental assessment prepared as part of the study indicated that no significant adverse effects would result from the construction of the proposed trail system. Some members of the Bolivar community expressed concerns regarding the construction of an off-road vehicle area at Bolivar Landing. However the Corps of Engineers, state, county, local officials, and special interest groups demonstrated positive support for the development of a multi-purpose trail system at Pomme de Terre Lake.
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© Keith Anthony Dupont
Recommended Citation
Dupont, Keith Anthony, "Developing A Multi-Purpose Trail System At Pomme De Terre Lake" (1999). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 1014.