Date of Graduation
Summer 2015
Master of Arts in English
Committee Chair
Sara Burge
The following collection contains a mixture of semi-autobiographical verse, persona poems, and dramatic monologues. My main objectives in this thesis were to capture a balance between autobiographical details and fiction, narrative and lyric modes, and difficulty and accessibility in order to demonstrate how poetry is not need not be confined to the reductionist labels which many contemporary American poets and critics use to teach and conceive of poetry. I found that poems move easily between such binaries and are often comprised of a blend of these seemingly exclusive elements.
poetry, persona, lyric, narrative, dramatic monologue, free verse, dialect, plain-style
Subject Categories
English Language and Literature
© Allyson Page Dale
Recommended Citation
Dale, Allyson Page, "Delilah Returns Home" (2015). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 1146.
Campus Only