The Relationship Between The Cognitive Development Levels Of Seventh Grade Students And Their Missouri Assessment Program Science Achievement Levels
Date of Graduation
Summer 2001
Master of Science in Education in Secondary Education in Physics
Physics, Astronomy, and Materials Science
Committee Chair
Betty Bitner
The relationship between the Piagetian cognitive development levels of seventh grade students and their achievement levels on a standards-based state science assessment (Missouri Assessment Program) was investigated and found to be significant (p < .01). The sample (N = 894) included students enrolled in fourteen school districts located in southwest Missouri. No significant differences (p > .05) according to gender in the reasoning levels as measured by the twelve-item, abbreviated Group Assessment of Logical Thinking (GALT) or between gender and science MAP achievement levels were determined. It is argued that student cognitive developmental levels must be considered and constructivist, inquiry approaches be employed in the development of science curriculum, teaching methodology, and assessments.
Subject Categories
Science and Mathematics Education
© Linda Lacy
Recommended Citation
Lacy, Linda, "The Relationship Between The Cognitive Development Levels Of Seventh Grade Students And Their Missouri Assessment Program Science Achievement Levels" (2001). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 1545.