Date of Graduation
Summer 2013
Master of Science in Mathematics
Committee Chair
Kishor Shah
We study mathematical origami and conic-constructibility in this thesis. We explain how to construct cube roots, solve cubics and certain quartics, and trisect angles. Videla defines the set of conic-constructible points to be an infinite union of certain finite sets. We are able to establish a detailed multipart theorem involving these sets. Furthermore, we use mathematical induction to provide a clearer proof of Videla's theorem that gives a criterion to determine conic-constructible points. It is known that the field of origami numbers equals the field of conic-constructible numbers; we provide a proof of one inclusion using the aforementioned sets. In this thesis, a main reference for origami is Galois Theory by David Cox and for conic-constructibility, the paper in The Mathematical Intelligencer by Carlos Videla.
straightedge and compass, origami, folding, conic-constructible points, intersecting conics
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© Sarah Kate Rodrigues
Recommended Citation
Rodrigues, Sarah Kate, "Mathematical Origami and Conic-Constructibility" (2013). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 1650.
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