A Model Reading Program For Gifted Students

Date of Graduation

Summer 1980


Master of Science in Education in Educational Administration


Counseling, Leadership, and Special Education

Committee Chair

Andree Bayliss


The purpose of this study was to design a model of a reading program for middle grade students (grades four, five, and six) in a mid-size urban parochial school. The rationale for the study abided in the fact that a basic tenet of our democratic society is that each child is entitled to an education that is best suited to his or her unique abilities and needs. The foundation for the development of the model gifted reading program was attained from a review of related literature. Based on this literature review the model gifted reading program was developed. The model program included: (1) a personal philosophy of "giftedness" and definition of the concept; (2) a list of desirable characteristics of program participants; (3) goals and objectives of the model program; (4) screening and identification procedures for the model program; (5) organizational details; (6) program activities; and (7) evaluation procedures.

Subject Categories

Educational Administration and Supervision


© Marilyn L Fletcher


