Date of Graduation
Fall 2009
Master of Science in Biology
Committee Chair
Lynn Robbins
Bats around the United States continue to be threatened by both natural and manmade factors. White-Nose Syndrome (WNS) is killing thousands of bats in the Northeastern United States and is rapidly moving to the South and West. It is extremely important to study both endangered and non-endangered bats in areas not yet exposed to these certain threats. Warmer cave temperatures and habitat destruction are two threats to Missouri bats. Populations of the endangered Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) in Missouri have decreased 95% since 1979. During the summers of 2007, 2008 and 2009 twenty three reproductively active and one non-reproductively active female Indiana bats were captured, fitted with 0.47g to 0.51g radio transmitters and tracked throughout the life of the transmitter. Anabat II and SD1 detectors were placed at each netting location to determine presence/absence and foraging/activity areas. Roost trees were located by radio telemetry and species, DBH, circumference, height, bark percentage, canopy cover, snag density and basal area were taken at each roost tree. Primary roost trees (>30bats) had a significantly larger average diameter than alternate (<30 bats) roosts (43.69cm vs. 38.23cm). However, circumference and height were not significantly different. Exit counts were conducted, and trees with greater than one bat were continually counted even if a transmittered bat was no longer at that tree. Roost tree species were highly variable; however shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) was the dominant roost tree species (52%). Ibuttons and Hobo data loggers were placed on live and dead roost trees as well as a barn roost to determine temperature differences. Dead roost trees showed a higher temperature (average of 23.97 C) than the live roost trees (22.49 C) as well as the barn. Both basal area and percent canopy coverage were significantly greater at dead trees (P=0.0008) and live trees (P=0.0008) respectively.
Indiana bat, Myotis sodalis, basal area, shagbark hickory, maternity colony
Subject Categories
© Shelly Noelle Dey
Recommended Citation
Dey, Shelly Noelle, "Roost Selection, Roosting Fidelity and Activity Patterns of Female Indiana Bats (Myotis Sodalis) in Northern Missouri" (2009). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 2550.
Campus Only