Bibliotherapeutic Curricular Model Based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs For Grades 4-6
Date of Graduation
Fall 1988
Master of Science in Education in Secondary Education
Reading, Foundations, and Technology
Committee Chair
Andree Bayliss
The purpose of this study was to develop a curricular instructional model for bibliotherapy based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs for grades four through six. A review of the literature was conducted. Need levels and bibliotherapy topics were found to be counterparts and were matched. For the purposes of this instructional model, it was assumed the first level, Physiological Needs, were met. The second level, Safety, includes child abuse and death education. Family relationships, divorce, stepfamily situations, and peer relationships comprise level three, Love and Belonging. Level four, Esteem, included not only self-perception but also attitudes toward other people, such as attitudes toward other races, other cultures and the handicapped. The Cognitive level included recognition and appreciation of beauty as well as creativity, imagination, fantasy formation, and thought and thinking. Self-actualization, the highest level, the student applies all the previous processes and becomes established as a whole, healthy, happy, functioning human being. Some topics included in this area are ego ideal, identity and values. A plan of implementation was presented which included: identification of needs, establishing goals and objectives, literature and presentation, counseling techniques, follow-up activities and evaluation.
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© Nancy A. Triplett
Recommended Citation
Triplett, Nancy A., "Bibliotherapeutic Curricular Model Based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs For Grades 4-6" (1988). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 2829.