Date of Graduation
Summer 2009
Master of Natural and Applied Science in Agriculture
College of Agriculture
Committee Chair
Gary Webb
Some grazing methods can negatively affect water quality through increased phophorus runoff, causing eutrophication of surface water bodies. High stocking density and poor forage stands can increase these problems. Rotational grazing schemes have shown promise in increasing forage stands and vegetative buffers. There is little information available involving the effects of equine grazing on a rotational grazing scheme. During 2007 and 2008, cool season grasses were grazed by horses of light horse breeding to determine the effects of rotational and continuous grazing methods, during the summer growing season. Plate meter readings were taken to determine available forage, grass clippings were taken form a 0.0929 meter square area to determine dry matter and calibrate the plate meter. The rotational grazing system showed higher available forage between the two treatments (P < 0.01)for both years. However, year and interaction effects were not significant (P > 0.05).
rotational grazing, grazing scheme, equine, cool season forage, plate meter
Subject Categories
© Crystal Jean Duey
Recommended Citation
Duey, Crystal Jean, "Effects of Continuous vs. Rotational Grazing of Adult Horses on Cool Season Grasses in Southwest Missouri" (2009). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 2891.
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