Date of Graduation
Spring 2017
Doctor of Audiology
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Committee Chair
Thomas C. Franklin
Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP) is used by many different professionals as an objective tool to measure different aspects of postural control. For audiologists, CDP is used to assess the vestibular system and its interactions with the somatosensory and visual systems. There is evidence that postural control is negatively affected by sleep deprivation. To date, there is limited knowledge on whether a 110-minute rest period will improve or even restore postural control abilities back to baseline. The present study was designed to further study the effects of sleep deprivation on different aspects of postural control and to examine the effectiveness of a 110-minute rest period at restoring values to baseline. CDP was used to examine the following: sensory organization test (SOT), motor control test (MCT), and adaptation (ADT) at baseline, after 23-26 hours of sleep deprivation, and after a 110-minute rest period. Participants consisted of 19 young adults. Results indicated an increased composite MCT latency score following a rest period compared to baseline values. A decrease in ADT reaction time following a rest period was noted compared to baseline and sleep deprivation conditions. Future studies should make use of more sensitive equipment, utilize an EEG to ensure sleep and avoid testing during sleep inertia.
computerized dynamic posturography, sleep deprivation, 110-minute rest period, vestibular system, sleep inertia
Subject Categories
Speech Pathology and Audiology
© Whitney L. Hayden
Recommended Citation
Hayden, Whitney L., "Effects Of Sleep Deprivation With 110-Minute Rest Period On Postural Control In Young Adults" (2017). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 3200.