Date of Graduation
Spring 2022
Master of Science in Chemistry
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Committee Chair
Richard Biagioni
Nanomaterials are a relatively new class of materials that have many applications which span a wide host of fields from medical products to consumer products. The possible compositions and forms of nanomaterials are just as varied as the applications. Therefore, a versatile characterization method is needed for researchers and regulators alike to ensure nanomaterials are properly used. Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS) is a functional method that could fill the characterization need in the nanomaterial research field. Using data from both SP-ICP-MS tests and data from literature established characterization methods, the viability of making SP-ICP-MS the standard method was assessed. Initially, the data from the SP-ICP-MS seemed to vary significantly from the expected results until the data was checked against the conventional methods. After the comparison, the variance in the data appeared to come from the nanoparticles used in the study instead of the testing method. Then the data from SP-ICP-MS was analyzed using Excel, in accordance with the manufacturer’s application manual, in an attempt to recreate the observed results with limited success. In the end, the viability of SP-ICP-MS as a standard characterization method was not confirmed in practice because there were optimization issues and software problems that have not yet been resolved.
nanomaterial, nanoparticle, characterization, SP-ICP-MS, standard
Subject Categories
Analytical Chemistry | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | Biological and Chemical Physics | Inorganic Chemicals | Materials Chemistry | Medicinal-Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Nanomedicine | Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
© Jabez D. Campbell
Recommended Citation
Campbell, Jabez D., "Characterization of Nanoparticles Using Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry" (2022). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 3735.
Open Access
Included in
Analytical Chemistry Commons, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Commons, Biological and Chemical Physics Commons, Inorganic Chemicals Commons, Materials Chemistry Commons, Medicinal-Pharmaceutical Chemistry Commons, Nanomedicine Commons, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Commons