A Hearing-Impaired Child in the Mainstream: a Case Study
Date of Graduation
Fall 1979
Master of Science in Education in Literacy
Reading, Foundations, and Technology
Committee Chair
James Layton
The intent of this case study was to demonstrate that the mainstreaming of a hearing impaired child could be successfully achieved by determination of the current academic and social status of the child through a case study approach followed by research into current practices in teaching hearing impaired children and concluding with intensive teaching and training to modify the current academic skills of reading and letter-sound association along with social performance. A pre-test, post-test approach was used in the teaching sessions and a record was kept of each session as to the tests, results, and teaching approaches implemented. The student gave evidence of gain in both the affective and academic domains. It was concluded by the researcher that this type of approach--case study, research into teaching methods used effectively with a specific handicap, and use of varied approaches to teaching reading skills to find the one most effective for a particular student, can be of major benefit to a handicapped student in the mainstream.
Subject Categories
Other Education
© Norma J Chapman
Recommended Citation
Chapman, Norma J., "A Hearing-Impaired Child in the Mainstream: a Case Study" (1979). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 375.