Date of Graduation
Fall 2022
Master of Science in Health Promotion and Wellness Management
Public Health and Sports Medicine
Committee Chair
Melinda Novik
The United States and United Kingdom healthcare systems vary based on their public access, financial dependence, health outcomes, gross domestic product, and much more. The systems have continued to grow with different focuses of importance in the quality of care that is being distributed to their populations. The U.K. universal healthcare system represents their value of accessibility and affordability, while the U.S. privatized system(s) represents their value of economic growth. The study provided a qualitative analysis of the systems' differences by integrating real world experiences and perceptions of the systems from individuals that have encountered and interacted as a patient in both the U.K. and the U.S. models. Participants had lived in each country for at least one year and recruitment was conducted by a snowball method. An interview guide was used to structure each interview, and were recorded, transcribed and analyzed via a phenomenological approach. Participants identified main themes of wait-time differences, financial relief and financial burden variances, and a need for growth within each system. The quality of care received was shown to be dependent on the prioritization of accessibility, affordability, and availability of the individuals interviewed.
accessibility, affordability, universal, privatized, comparison, insurance
Subject Categories
Public Health | Public Health Education and Promotion | Quality Improvement
© Rachel Cazzaniga
Recommended Citation
Cazzaniga, Rachel, "Qualitative Comparison of the United States and United Kingdom Healthcare Systems" (2022). MSU Graduate Theses/Dissertations. 3802.
Open Access